WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:02.000 for the Swamp Fox Team . Thanks for 00:02.000 --> 00:04.000 what you do . Thanks for being here 00:04.000 --> 00:06.167 giving up your time to be part of this 00:06.167 --> 00:09.430 mission . Hello , I'm Brigadier General 00:09.430 --> 00:11.652 Evan Perez , the commander of the three 00:11.652 --> 00:13.763 78th Air Expeditionary Wing . And I'm 00:13.763 --> 00:15.986 here today with Lieutenant Colonel Trip 00:15.986 --> 00:18.041 bows , the commander of the one 57th 00:18.041 --> 00:20.152 expeditionary Fighter Squadron Trip . 00:20.152 --> 00:22.486 Tell me a little bit about the one 57th . 00:22.486 --> 00:24.708 Where's the unit from ? And what do you 00:24.708 --> 00:26.819 guys do ? Yes , sir . One 57th . Part 00:26.819 --> 00:28.597 of the one 69th Fighter Wing at 00:28.597 --> 00:30.819 McIntyre , Joint National Guard Base in 00:30.819 --> 00:32.874 Columbia south Carolina . So part of 00:32.874 --> 00:32.710 the south Carolina , Air National Guard . 00:32.740 --> 00:35.280 Okay , fantastic . So , so your Guard 00:35.280 --> 00:37.447 unit , which means your composition is 00:37.447 --> 00:39.613 a little bit different than the active 00:39.613 --> 00:41.850 duty units that we often see out here 00:41.850 --> 00:43.961 at Prince Sultan Air Base . Tell me a 00:43.961 --> 00:46.183 little bit about what's different about 00:46.183 --> 00:48.294 a Guard fighter squadron ? Well , our 00:48.294 --> 00:50.650 squadron in particular , 66 roughly are 00:51.040 --> 00:53.660 part time citizen soldiers who have 00:53.660 --> 00:56.390 other civilian careers there . Doctors , 00:56.390 --> 00:58.940 lawyers , teachers , police officers , 00:58.950 --> 01:00.950 pretty much anything in the private 01:00.950 --> 01:02.950 sector . We have them and then they 01:02.950 --> 01:04.783 come out and they're your , your 01:04.783 --> 01:07.006 typical weekend warrior , one weekend a 01:07.006 --> 01:09.117 month , two weeks a year total . Uh , 01:09.117 --> 01:11.339 and then on top of that , we have about 01:11.339 --> 01:13.450 33 of our force is going to be a full 01:13.450 --> 01:16.360 time . Maybe , uh , our percent of them 01:16.360 --> 01:18.527 are a gr , so really no different than 01:18.527 --> 01:20.693 being on active duty , same benefits , 01:20.693 --> 01:22.860 same requirements . And then the other 01:22.860 --> 01:24.804 75 of those are going to be , uh , 01:24.804 --> 01:26.693 technicians who are federal civil 01:26.693 --> 01:29.660 employees with slightly different rules 01:30.440 --> 01:32.662 on top of that . We also have an active 01:32.662 --> 01:34.607 association . So we're total Force 01:34.607 --> 01:36.551 Integration Squadron . And we have 01:36.551 --> 01:39.410 roughly 100 active duty folks who are 01:39.410 --> 01:41.521 assigned to our squadron and they fit 01:41.521 --> 01:43.743 right in their part of the 3 16 fighter 01:43.743 --> 01:45.910 squadron , I think that's one of the , 01:45.910 --> 01:47.910 you know , the neatest things to me 01:47.910 --> 01:50.270 being out here in the area of 01:50.270 --> 01:52.750 responsibility , you know , being in US 01:52.750 --> 01:56.530 Air Forces Central area is we have 01:56.540 --> 01:58.540 active duty units come in , reserve 01:58.540 --> 02:01.610 units , guard units , associate units 02:01.610 --> 02:04.020 that have some kind of mix . And once 02:04.020 --> 02:07.090 the , once the people in the iron hit 02:07.090 --> 02:09.420 the ground , it is very difficult to 02:09.420 --> 02:11.560 tell unless you just walk up and ask 02:11.560 --> 02:14.830 somebody , the difference , it is , the 02:14.830 --> 02:17.163 3/16 has their own heraldry and patches . 02:17.163 --> 02:19.274 But when they come to McIntyre , they 02:19.274 --> 02:21.330 were small fox patches , and they're 02:21.330 --> 02:23.497 one of us . That's right . It's really 02:23.497 --> 02:25.497 neat to watch the team in operation 02:25.497 --> 02:27.552 because , you know , it's one of the 02:27.552 --> 02:27.550 things I'm really proud about as an 02:27.550 --> 02:29.439 airman is how well all this folds 02:29.439 --> 02:31.650 together and what an enhancement this 02:31.650 --> 02:33.817 is to our capabilities that you have a 02:33.817 --> 02:35.817 unit of Citizens shoulders that can 02:35.817 --> 02:37.983 stand up like this and go forward , be 02:37.983 --> 02:40.490 spun up and do the job exactly like uh 02:40.500 --> 02:42.500 you know , as if it was a full time 02:42.500 --> 02:44.611 unit because you know , you're you're 02:44.611 --> 02:46.889 not going to come out here , not ready , 02:46.889 --> 02:46.610 you're gonna train and be ready . 02:46.610 --> 02:48.832 What's that training like ? Yes , sir . 02:48.832 --> 02:50.999 Well , that's the , the reason we have 02:50.999 --> 02:53.166 full timers , full timers are there to 02:53.166 --> 02:55.388 train every single day and then when we 02:55.388 --> 02:57.610 get caught up on , we're going to train 02:57.610 --> 02:59.721 the part time force and bring them up 02:59.721 --> 03:01.999 to the standard many of our pilots are , 03:01.999 --> 03:01.970 I'd say our average is probably about 03:01.980 --> 03:04.430 1500 hours in the f 16 . Whereas if you 03:04.430 --> 03:06.541 look at the active duty squadrons are 03:06.541 --> 03:08.597 probably five or 600 hours , I would 03:08.597 --> 03:11.110 guess as you kind of your basic guy . 03:11.130 --> 03:13.074 So we bring a ton of experience as 03:13.074 --> 03:15.241 pilots and then also our maintainers , 03:15.241 --> 03:17.352 they've all been doing this for years 03:17.352 --> 03:19.186 and they have a lot of this core 03:19.186 --> 03:18.760 knowledge that they can bring and then 03:18.760 --> 03:20.427 we share that with the active 03:20.427 --> 03:22.316 associates is kind of a seasoning 03:22.316 --> 03:24.427 program and then we put them back out 03:24.427 --> 03:26.260 on active duty . Yeah , well the 03:26.260 --> 03:28.482 experience is evident , you know , just 03:28.482 --> 03:30.704 walking around the line talking to some 03:30.704 --> 03:30.580 of your airman , some of these guys 03:30.580 --> 03:32.747 have been at this for a very long time 03:32.747 --> 03:34.858 and it's a really impressive to watch 03:34.858 --> 03:36.858 him work . Do you have any messages 03:36.858 --> 03:39.570 you'd like to give to the team ? Well , 03:39.570 --> 03:41.760 for the Swamp Fox team was really a 03:41.770 --> 03:44.450 family is , you know , thanks for what 03:44.450 --> 03:46.730 you do . Thanks for being here , giving 03:46.730 --> 03:49.280 up your time to be part of this mission . 03:49.290 --> 03:53.060 Um , We're just looking to enhance all 03:53.060 --> 03:55.116 the capabilities of peace that has . 03:55.116 --> 03:57.282 Yeah , well , you know , talking about 03:57.282 --> 03:59.282 capabilities , tell me a little bit 03:59.282 --> 04:01.449 about what you're gonna be doing while 04:01.449 --> 04:03.282 you're here at peace up . Well , 04:03.282 --> 04:05.227 primarily going to do anything the 04:05.227 --> 04:07.393 centcom commander asks us to do . So , 04:07.393 --> 04:09.504 projecting their power through absent 04:09.504 --> 04:11.449 uh and executing the missions just 04:11.449 --> 04:14.540 throughout the entire centcom hor . So 04:14.550 --> 04:16.606 just in the first week we've already 04:16.606 --> 04:18.772 flown some nine our missions . So it's 04:18.772 --> 04:20.939 a it's a long way to travel to get the 04:20.939 --> 04:22.994 mission done . But that's what we're 04:22.994 --> 04:25.217 here to do . Absolutely . I mean , your 04:25.217 --> 04:27.439 presence here is very reassuring to our 04:27.439 --> 04:29.550 partners and allies . That gives us a 04:29.550 --> 04:31.828 great capability to maintain stability , 04:31.828 --> 04:33.772 build partnership , deter regional 04:33.772 --> 04:35.939 aggressors . We can't thank you enough 04:35.939 --> 04:37.939 for what you what you do here . And 04:37.939 --> 04:39.939 really , you know , I guess the one 04:39.939 --> 04:41.994 thing I believe is anything that you 04:41.994 --> 04:44.106 want to say to the families back home 04:44.106 --> 04:46.328 who are sacrificing without their loved 04:46.328 --> 04:48.439 ones . That's really the same message 04:48.439 --> 04:48.080 of just thank you , we can't do it 04:48.080 --> 04:51.380 without them . So um yeah , they're 04:51.380 --> 04:53.050 putting up with a lot , so we 04:53.050 --> 04:55.217 appreciate that . Absolutely thank you 04:55.217 --> 04:55.760 very much .