WEBVTT 00:02.740 --> 00:04.851 it just helps me become like a better 00:04.851 --> 00:07.080 person and anything , not just 00:07.080 --> 00:09.413 firefighting anything , just keep going . 00:09.413 --> 00:11.469 Don't give up , you just got to keep 00:11.469 --> 00:13.800 pushing . So at tech school there was 00:13.810 --> 00:17.190 probably about 20 , females altogether 00:17.190 --> 00:19.600 out of like 500 of us or something like 00:19.600 --> 00:22.950 that . So it's very rare . Mhm . 00:23.340 --> 00:26.870 We come in like sprinkles so you might 00:26.870 --> 00:28.981 catch like , oh this one , you know , 00:28.981 --> 00:31.037 so I'm excited to see another female 00:31.037 --> 00:34.030 coming in . I have a daughter , she's 00:34.040 --> 00:36.262 eight , she sees me doing this and like 00:36.262 --> 00:38.373 she , she's like , oh , I can do this 00:38.373 --> 00:40.484 too . So I bring out the summer camps 00:40.484 --> 00:42.651 that we host at our base and she loved 00:42.651 --> 00:44.707 pulling the hoses , spraying all the 00:44.707 --> 00:46.818 good stuff and you know , I love it . 00:46.818 --> 00:48.873 And then you got other kids watching 00:48.873 --> 00:51.100 you . So it's a drink , it's impacting 00:51.100 --> 00:54.940 lives . Mhm Yeah , not everybody can do 00:54.940 --> 00:56.940 that is going through tech school , 00:56.940 --> 00:59.720 It's , I've seen many of big dudes 00:59.730 --> 01:02.170 strong got muscles , like a bodybuilder 01:02.170 --> 01:04.114 types , they couldn't even make it 01:04.114 --> 01:06.281 through and just , I made it through . 01:06.281 --> 01:08.660 It just gives me like a sense of pride . 01:09.240 --> 01:11.960 This job pushes you and you got to be 01:12.440 --> 01:14.670 on point like at all times no matter 01:14.670 --> 01:16.980 what , like we can get a call any day , 01:16.990 --> 01:19.101 you gotta get up and ready , you know 01:19.101 --> 01:21.157 what you're going into , we gotta be 01:21.157 --> 01:24.020 sharp . I've never been deployed with 01:24.020 --> 01:26.220 the female firefighter until now , but 01:26.220 --> 01:28.387 it's the same thing like back home . I 01:28.387 --> 01:30.800 mean they do the same job that all the 01:30.800 --> 01:34.110 male firefighters do having females in 01:34.110 --> 01:36.277 the firefighting world , kind of gives 01:36.277 --> 01:39.000 us an edge on emergencies that we would , 01:39.010 --> 01:41.650 we would go to say responding to a 01:41.650 --> 01:44.010 female that doesn't want to talk to us 01:44.010 --> 01:46.660 about specific things . We can have 01:46.660 --> 01:48.549 this female firefighter or female 01:48.549 --> 01:50.780 paramedic go in and talk to them and 01:50.790 --> 01:52.901 they'll be more comfortable with that 01:52.901 --> 01:55.170 female . It could definitely change the 01:55.180 --> 01:59.150 aspect of any emergency when I got here . 01:59.740 --> 02:01.796 They treat me like a little sister , 02:01.950 --> 02:04.061 like my big brothers , they take care 02:04.061 --> 02:06.290 of me and they look out for me even 02:06.290 --> 02:08.401 though I can hold , I can hold my own 02:08.401 --> 02:10.512 weight because I got here by myself , 02:10.512 --> 02:12.512 but they helped me out a lot , they 02:12.512 --> 02:15.550 teach me a lot , everybody in the fire 02:15.550 --> 02:17.272 department teach you something 02:17.272 --> 02:19.383 different and so everybody has made a 02:19.383 --> 02:21.661 big impact from my base from the south , 02:21.661 --> 02:25.280 so like I learned a lot , so I've known 02:25.280 --> 02:27.224 them for three weeks , but they're 02:27.224 --> 02:29.447 really good people , they have a lot of 02:29.447 --> 02:32.350 charisma and bring light and I'm really 02:32.350 --> 02:35.290 liking what I have , being the leader 02:35.290 --> 02:38.560 of his female firefighters 02:38.940 --> 02:42.560 a rewarding job 02:43.240 --> 02:45.960 as female you may think like 02:47.340 --> 02:49.673 it's hard like , okay , I can't do this , 02:49.673 --> 02:52.800 but no , you can't do the same thing 02:52.800 --> 02:56.040 they're doing and just compete . Yeah ,