Air Mobility Division (AMD) Mission The Air Mobility Division (AMD) plans, coordinates, tasks and executes the theater air mobility mission. The division oversees the theater's vital operations, which sustain the airflow system. As one of five divisions within the Combined Air Operations Center (CAOC), the AMD enables the CAOC to meet its mission as the primary command and control facility for Coalition air operations in the U.S. Central Command’s (USCENTCOM) Area of Responsibility (AOR). Function AMD plans, coordinates, tasks, and executes the theater air mobility mission. The chief of AMD ensures the AMD works as an effective division of the CAOC in the air and space planning and execution process. The AMD coordinates with the USCENTCOM Deployment and Distribution Operations Center at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait, and the Air Mobility Command's Tanker Airlift Control Center (TACC), Scott Air Force Base, Illinois. Organization AMD is led by the chief of air mobility and is organized into four functionally oriented teams: Airlift Control Team, Air Mobility Control Team, Air Mobility Support Team, and Aeromedical Evacuation Team. Based upon mission requirements, the AMD adjusts the team composition in regards to personnel, specialties and skills levels. The teams integrate their activities to deliver mobility effects in support of Combined Forces Air Component Commander’s objectives and missions. Airlift Control Team (ALCT) provides intra-theater airlift expertise to plan, coordinate and integrate the full range of mobility airpower for intra-theater airlift in the AOR. Future requirements is responsible for completing the airlift portion of the air tasking order by processing validated airlift requests received from the USCENTCOM Deployment and Distribution Operations Center and merging them with forecasted inter-theater airlift movements into the area of responsibility. The AOR Backlog Managers provide oversight to and act as a conduit for integrating the theater's 24 aerial ports into the theater movement plans. They also manage the International Heavy Airlift Tender Program, where commercial carriers bid by the pound to move cargo. Theater Direct Delivery (TDD) is an element of ALCT, which provides air mobility integration and coordination of U.S. Transportation Command assigned air mobility forces. TDD is the primary team for providing coordination with TACC. Direct-delivery inter-theater air mobility missions, if required, will be coordinated through the AMD and tasked by TACC. TDD ensures the integration of inter-theater air mobility missions with intra-theater air and space operations planning. TDD coordinates with TACC to resolve problems and provide command and control information on air mobility operations. Air Mobility Control Team (AMCT) provides CAOC centralized control of all intra-theater airlift operations in the AOR. The AMCT directs or redirects, as required, air mobility forces in concert with air and space forces to meet mission requirements. The AMCT integrates and synchronizes all air mobility operations into, out of, and within the AOR. AMCT provides command and control of missions during execution in coordination with the CAOC’s Combat Operations Division, subordinate air mobility units and Coalition mission forces. The Air Mobility Support Team (AMST) consists of Intelligence and Force Protection (FP) personnel, who provide unique capabilities in support of all other AMD teams. Throughout the mission planning and execution process, AMST works with the Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Division to gather pertinent threat information for operations. AMST then develops a threat analysis and mission profiles to ensure the accurate delivery of goods while maintaining the safety of aircraft and crews. The AMST coordinates with the DIRMOBFOR to determine defensive systems and security requirements for airfields within the AOR. Based upon those requirements, the FP section develops Fly Away Security Teams, to ensure the protection of mobility assets. Aeromedical Evacuation Control Team (AECT) provides operational planning, scheduling, and execution of aeromedical evacuation missions through the appropriate aeromedical evacuations (AE) elements. The AECT provides centralized control of AE operations within the AOR, and assists with AE operations departing from the AOR. Patient movement tasks are received from the Theater Patient Movement Requirements Center in Germany. The AECT also advises and briefs the CAOC Director on AE issues. Updated July 2017