The Ninth Air Force (Air Forces Central) Command Chief held a series of AFCENT tier-based enlisted all-calls at Shaw Air Force Base, S.C., Dec. 19.
“The results of the Defense Organizational Climate Survey (DEOCS) showed a desire from the enlisted force to have all-calls to be able to connect with leadership and the AFCENT mission,” said Chief Master Sgt. Joshua Wiener. “These all-calls will help me advise the AFCENT Commander and other senior leaders on how we can better address some of those issues.”
Each all-call began with an intel brief, followed by a brief specific to that group and ended with a question-and-answer session with the Chief.
“I found the intelligence brief to be extremely insightful because it provided a much-needed understanding of the ‘why’ behind our organization's efforts at all levels,” said Tech. Sgt. Ryan Drake, AFCENT Weapons Safety superintendent. “This clarity of purpose is crucial in driving our collective success, as it empowers each AFCENT member to understand the significance of their role and how it contributes to our overall mission, ultimately culminating in a stronger, more unified team."
In all the sessions, Wiener encouraged attendees and made some requests from them, including knowing their “why” and how they contribute, holding themselves and others to high standards and communicating using the “True North” philosophy. He explained “True North” communication as communicating with leadership, teammates, and subordinates clearly and concisely and with the AFCENT and Air Force priorities as the guiding principles, ensuring everyone is moving in the same direction for effective mission execution.
“It was time well spent for me to be able to engage with, and most importantly, listen to the AFCENT Airmen during the three different all-calls,” said Wiener. “A key part of any high-performing organization is ensuring there is effective communication up, down, and laterally within the organization. I encouraged our Airmen to think about the ‘True North’ message when they communicate every day.”
During the junior enlisted all-calls, Wiener reviewed the responses from the DEOCS survey and gave the Airmen advice on how to be successful and how their roles fit into the overall AFCENT mission.
“The command chief's all-call was a profoundly impactful experience for us Airmen, as it highlighted the significance of our individual roles in the AFCENT mission,” said Senior Airman Diamond Winters-Taylor, AFCENT A2 executive assistant. “It was clear to me that each of us plays a vital part in the success of our operations. I am happy that I was able to participate.”
During the NCO all-call, Chief Wiener spoke about the roles and responsibilities of noncommissioned officers and provided guidelines for issuing lawful orders. The brief included a review of a case study, as well a discussion of specific scenarios involving NCOs issuing lawful orders.
In the all-call for senior NCOs, Wiener gave his perspectives on leading Airmen and NCOs and facilitated a panel discussion alongside two command-level leaders on Shaw: Chief Master Sgt. Jeremy Unterseher, 15th Air Force command chief, and Command Sgt. Maj. Eric McCray, U.S. Army Central CSM.
“For me, the AFCENT SNCO All-Call was right on time,” said Senior Master Sgt. Marcus Wilson, AFCENT A5 enlisted international affairs manager. “Chief Wiener’s message of ‘relationships matter’ resonated with me. In our resource-constrained environment, building relationships with people internal and external to our organizations and leveraging our collective knowledge and skillsets are key to accomplishing the mission.”
The DEOCS is a survey conducted by the Department of Defense (DoD) Office of People Analytics (OPA) to provide commanders and leaders with information they can use to improve their unit or organizational climate. The combined responses to these questions provide commanders and other leaders with important feedback about the current climate and help to identify emerging or existing challenges that may negatively impact their unit.