CFACC: Happy holidays to a great Coalition team

Lt. Gen. David L. Goldfein is Commander, U.S. Air Forces Central, Southwest Asia. As the Air Component Commander for U.S. Central Command, the general is responsible for developing contingency plans and conducting air operations in a 20-nation area of responsibility covering Central and Southwest Asia.

Lt. Gen. David L. Goldfein is Commander, U.S. Air Forces Central, Southwest Asia. As the Air Component Commander for U.S. Central Command, the general is responsible for developing contingency plans and conducting air operations in a 20-nation area of responsibility covering Central and Southwest Asia.

SOUTHWEST ASIA -- As the holiday season approaches, I thank all the members of this tremendous Coalition and joint team for your commitment and continued service. Each one of you is vitally important to delivering decisive airpower in the region.

The holiday season is traditionally a time of celebration - a chance to reflect on the importance of family and friends in our lives. We all know that being away from home during the holidays is difficult, so while we continue to focus on our mission, I encourage you to stay in touch with your loved ones. Also remember you are surrounded by a strong and caring military family. Finding small ways to enjoy the season and share fellowship with our fellow Airmen, sister services and Coalition partners can make all the difference in enjoying the season wherever you serve.

For those that wear the cloth of our nations, we enjoy a special camaraderie and esprit de corps borne out of our shared commitment and our willingness to serve. Now more than ever, being a good wingman is important and I ask you to take this responsibility seriously. Whether you are serving here in theater, traveling home for the holidays, or redeploying in the coming days, look out for yourself and all those around you.

Dawn and I wish you the very best this holiday season. I am proud to be your commander and privileged to serve as part of a dedicated team that so consistently demonstrates integrity, service, and a commitment to excellence that is on display here 24/7/365. Thank you for your service and happy holidays.