Afghan Airmen graduate maintenance course

KABUL, AFGHANISTAN -- On Jun. 28, 2010, the Afghan Air Force graduated six new Airmen and one officer for their Vehicle Maintenance course.

The Airmen graduated from a 6-month basic vehicle maintenance course that focused on basic maintenance on the Ford Ranger truck, passenger bus, Humvee and wrecker training.

The officer graduating from a 45-day basic shop supervisor course that focused on completing shop paperwork, bringing in vehicles, conducting quality assurance inspections and reissuing the vehicle bask to the end user. He also received training on tracking scheduled and non-scheduled maintenance as well as maintaining his bench stock tool supply.

Capt. Abe Schnaufer, 439th AEAS Technical Services Team Lead, explains, "This is the first step toward them supporting their vehicle fleet and their Air Force and doing it on their own."

The course was taught by two contractors and other Afghan National Army soldiers. The plan is getting the new mechanics to run the AAF Ranger fleet maintenance within the next 6-months.