Live healthy and happy

KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan -- May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month, but people need physical education all year! Let's look at some ways to transition from sedentary to active. It doesn't take a lot to get some sort of physical activity into your schedule.

1. Exercise in the morning. All it takes is getting up an extra twenty to thirty minutes early to squeeze in some pushups, sit ups, a brief walk or jog, and some weight training. Once you're done you'll feel a sense of accomplishment and have more energy for the rest of the day. To save time, lay out your workout clothes the night before so you are ready to go when you wake up the next day. It's easy to do with your PT gear.

2. When parking, find a far away place instead of fighting for a close spot. Those extra steps really can make a difference! If you really want to up the calorie burn, speed walk instead of slowly walking to the door.

3. Take a "walk break" whenever you can find the time at the office. You could go for a short walk during your lunch, coffee, and bathroom breaks. No matter how busy you are you have to take some time away from your work routine. This is the time for you to take a quick walk around to get some extra exercise. Walking is great for the heart, relieves stress, and helps to manage weight gain.

4. At the workplace, when you go to the restroom, use a facility on a different floor instead of the one that is closest to you. Or take a hike outside to the port-a-john.

5. Every day when you get home from work, change into your PT gear and head out for a walk or run.

6. Get a workout buddy to join you for motivation. Sometimes that is the person that will get you out when you don't want to. You can do the same in return.

7. Try to break up your intense workouts. You want to have at least 30 minutes of cardio in a day. If you split that 30 minutes into three, 10 minute sessions you might find the regimen more manageable.

8. Turn cleaning your room into exercise. Maintain good posture as you are bending and straightening and keep your abs tight. Do some squats when you are picking up items off of the floor, and make sure to tighten your butt on the way back up. The idea here is to be conscious of the way you hold yourself and how your muscles are contracting and relaxing during these activities.

9. If you sit at your desk, get up every hour and do push-ups or stretch. You can also do knee lifts or leg lifts at your desk.

10. Start to think about what you're eating and drinking on a daily basis and what is hindering you from being healthy with that diet.

Live healthy and happy!