More than halfway there, but who’s counting?

KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan -- Many count the days, weeks and months ... others don't count at all. Counting the days left in a deployment is a common thing to do -- almost tradition. Some people use devices such as calendars. Others have creative ways of counting down the days, such as counting events that happen weekly or maybe even monthly. Then there are those who don't count (or at least try not to count) taking it day by day.

For those who count the days, they mark off the calendar: one down and how ever many more to go. I think that would make my time go by slower if I counted each day at a time ... to each his own. Counting by the weeks seems to be the ideal way to count down, but even then, marking all those weeks just shows you how many more you have left, especially in the beginning of a deployment. No need for a reminder. Some count the days by marking off their calendars one month at a time. I think that would be a drag religiously waiting 28-plus days to count down one month at a time. I guess this way you can mark of a chunk of your time at once. It's all a mind thing.

If I were to count days, weeks or months I would just use an electronic device that would count the days automatically. By doing it this way, I would not have to think about the days I have left every day and can look at it only when I think about it. So when that time comes and I'm thinking about it, I just check the electronic calendar. Most electronic calendars narrow it down not only to months, weeks and days but also to hours, minutes and seconds.

There are those who don't count the days and still have a sense of time -- just not counting. I tried to do this but always found myself thinking time to time of how much time I have before I go home. Instead, I tend to count the days by counting down events that will occur during the duration of my deployment. I use events like pay day, worship and holidays. Even at this moment, I have an idea, but don't know how many days I have left. All I know is that I have less than halfway to go and that's good enough for me.

I figure, if you stay busy and get into a routine that works for you, all while getting the job done, time wouldn't even be a factor. In fact, it would seem to go by quick.