379th AEW Chaplain Corps – Helping Airmen Stay Spiritually Fit

Servicemembers carry crosses during a Good Friday “Cross” fit event, April 3, 2015, at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar. During the event, several chaplains and chaplain assistants, from the Air Force, Army and Navy shared readings and prayers based on the last seven statements of Christ on the cross. After each devotion, members of the community took turns carrying three crosses for a lap around the track. (Courtesy photo)

Servicemembers carry crosses during a Good Friday “Cross” fit event, April 3, 2015, at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar. During the event, several chaplains and chaplain assistants, from the Air Force, Army and Navy shared readings and prayers based on the last seven statements of Christ on the cross. After each devotion, members of the community took turns carrying three crosses for a lap around the track. (Courtesy photo)

Servicemembers carry crosses during a Good Friday “Cross” fit event, April 3, 2015, at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar. During the event, several chaplains and chaplain assistants, from the Air Force, Army and Navy shared readings and prayers based on the last seven statements of Christ on the cross. After each devotion, members of the community took turns carrying three crosses for a lap around the track. (Courtesy photo)

Servicemembers carry crosses during a Good Friday “Cross” fit event, April 3, 2015, at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar. During the event, several chaplains and chaplain assistants, from the Air Force, Army and Navy shared readings and prayers based on the last seven statements of Christ on the cross. After each devotion, members of the community took turns carrying three crosses for a lap around the track. (Courtesy photo)

Servicemembers carry crosses during a Good Friday “Cross” fit event, April 3, 2015, at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar. During the event, several chaplains and chaplain assistants, from the Air Force, Army and Navy shared readings and prayers based on the last seven statements of Christ on the cross. After each devotion, members of the community took turns carrying three crosses for a lap around the track. (Courtesy photo)

Servicemembers carry crosses during a Good Friday “Cross” fit event, April 3, 2015, at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar. During the event, several chaplains and chaplain assistants, from the Air Force, Army and Navy shared readings and prayers based on the last seven statements of Christ on the cross. After each devotion, members of the community took turns carrying three crosses for a lap around the track. (Courtesy photo)

AL UDEID AIR BASE, Qatar -- The 379th Air Expeditionary Wing Chaplain Corps Religious Support Teams (RSTs) work hard every day helping to protect and provide for the spiritual needs of Airmen deployed and stationed here at Al Udeid. In addition to squadron focused warrior care unit engagement and confidential counseling, the RSTs work hard to provide opportunities for Airmen to remain spiritually fit during their time here.

The Chaplain Corps RSTs were flying at full throttle during the first week of April. During that week, two of the world’s major faith groups had busy schedules due to special holy days. The Jewish community celebrated Passover with special Seder observances and Passover day services. A record number of Jewish participants attended the Seder observances which symbolize the journey of the Jewish people from Egyptian slavery to freedom through a liturgy of readings, symbolic foods and actions. They also watched the movie, the Ten Commandments, to learn about which elements of the movie were factual versus fictional. In addition, Capt. Michael Bram, 379th AEW chaplain, an Orthodox Rabbi, collected and distributed several kosher Passover meals to Jewish Airmen.

The Christian community, both Catholics and Protestants, also had several special events, including masses and worship services for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. They also came together for a special ecumenical faith and film event, viewing and discussing the movie “God’s Not Dead”. One of the highlights for the Christian community was the ecumenical Good Friday “Cross” Fit event at the Coalition Compound track. During the event, several chaplains and chaplain assistants, from the Air Force, Army and Navy shared readings and prayers based on the last seven statements of Christ on the cross. After each devotion, members of the community took turns carrying three crosses for a lap around the track. This was a very meaningful time for those who participated. One participant commented, “This really gave me an opportunity to contemplate the physical element of Jesus’ suffering. It really set the tone for this Holy Weekend.”

Whether it’s through worship services, resiliency events, counseling, unit engagement or just a smile and encouraging word, the 379th AEW Chaplain Corps is honored to be here to serve the men and women of Al Udeid by providing opportunities for spiritual fitness.