• Compass Call deploys to Kuwait to support USCENTCOM AOR

    The rapid deployment of the EC-130s into the USCENTCOM area of responsibility exhibits the U.S.’s ability to incorporate additional combat capability at any time, deterring regional aggressors through the electronic warfare prowess.

  • EC-130H Compass Call protects and enhances regional airpower capabilities

    Over the past month, the EC-130H Compass Call aircraft, has flown in two multi-nation, large force employment exercises that strengthened integration capabilities with CENTCOM partners and allies.The Compass Call, flown by the 41st Expeditionary Electronic Combat Squadron, 380th Air Expeditionary

  • A Family That Flies Together

    Deploying in the military is an expected situation. Deploying to the same location with family, friends or spouses is fairly common nowadays. Deploying to separate locations and flying on the same missions as your brother, well that’s not common at all, but it happened.