U.S. CENTRAL COMMAND AREA OF RESPONSIBILITY -- Under the relentless sun, Airmen moved methodically, applying tourniquets, making radio calls, and scanning the ground for simulated unexploded ordnance. Between practicing bunker dives and coordinating their efforts, their sweat-streaked faces reflected the intensity of the training. Nearby, a quiet observer took notes, ensuring every action was captured to help refine future emergency response drills in this demanding environment.
U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Elizabeth Peplinksi, 378th Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron emergency manager, is dedicated to shaping training that equips Airmen with the skills and confidence needed to handle crises in the high-stakes environment of the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility.
Hailing from Milladore, Wisconsin, Senior Airman Elizabeth Peplinski joined the Air National Guard and later decided to pursue a degree in biochemistry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her passion for biochemistry and its real-world applications align naturally with the Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear defense mission, allowing her to make a meaningful impact through her work.
“Learning about the various chemical and biological agents has impacted my career plan,” said Peplinksi. “I am interested in studying the effects chemical agents have on the human body and exploring potential ways to mitigate them.”
Now on her first deployment, Peplinski is leveraging her background and expertise to lead a post-attack reconnaissance rodeo for the wing. This event brings together 25 Airmen to train with explosive ordnance disposal technicians, medical professionals, and emergency management teams. Participants practiced how to properly apply a tourniquet, performed bunker dives, and reported UXOs in simulated crisis scenarios. Throughout the event, Peplinski documented her observations, ensuring the training was both practical and effective. The insights gained from these events will ensure Airmen are equipped for pre-deployment training and the challenges that may arise in the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility.
“Senior Airman Peplinski’s observations provide valuable information to commands such as AFCENT on the type and depth of training that Airmen should have prior to deploying,” said Master Sgt. Jeremy Blunt, 378th Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron CBRN/emergency management flight chief. Training events such as the PAR and Tactical Combat Casualty Care are already required to deploy, but her observations and feedback help understand areas where the training is effective and where more emphasis needs to be placed.”
Coordinating an exercise of this magnitude presents challenges, but Peplinski remains driven by her long-term goal of commissioning and switching to active duty. Her experiences in the deployed environment help her develop leadership and team-building skills that will support her aspirations.
“I’ve always wanted to work in conservation science to make a broad impact,” said Peplinski. “Learning to lead and train teams here has given me a strong foundation for the future.”
Through her dedication to improving emergency response training, Peplinski exemplifies the resilience and adaptability needed to succeed in any environment.
"Peplinski’s instruction prepares members for valuable roles to respond and recover our installation if ever needed and continue the mission of the wing,” said Blunt.