AL UDEID AIR BASE, Qatar -- Thousands of Airmen come to Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar. While some remain here, others continue on their way to various deployed locations throughout U.S. Central Command’s area of responsibility.
No matter their final destination, every warfighter’s transportation is facilitated by 379th Expeditionary Logistics Readiness Squadron log planners, or “loggies,” who ensure service members in transit have lodging, vehicles, cell phones and the up-to-date flight information they need to get where they need to go.
“We are vital to the movement of service members throughout the AOR, because we track each member as they begin their journey in the states until they reach their final destination,” said Capt. Jason Argyle, 379th ELRS Air Force Transient Reception Control Center installation deployment officer. “If that destination is further downrange, we also ensure they are allocated onto a mission which will take them there.”
Along with providing logistics support to coalition partners under the Acquisition Cross Servicing Agreements, Tech. Sgt. Shawn Warwick, 379th ELRS AFRTCC onward movements NCO in charge, said Al Udeid’s “loggies” have the opportunity to learn aspects of their job they wouldn’t get the chance to at home.
"The process has been interesting, vigorous and has provided myself and other Airmen with a newly found appreciation for the career field," said Warwick. "[Airmen have learned] the essentials of redeploying personnel and several other programs, assisting in their overall knowledge of the career field. They can transfer this knowledge to other members who have not deployed, as well as retain this knowledge base to succeed in future deployments."
Airman 1st Class Dakaysiah Posey, 379th ELRS AFRTCC logistics planner, is one of the primary flight mission briefers for service members rotating through Al Udeid. She said that helping Airmen get where they need to go is a fulfilling experience.
“We’re the people behind the scenes,” said Posey. “As long as people know they’re getting to where they need to go, that’s fine with me. As long as I’m helping somebody get to their location where they’re supposed to be deployed to or getting them home, I love helping them accomplish that.”