‘Man’s best
friend’…a term many have heard, used or encountered. The bond between a
military working dog handler and his best friend intensifies daily. The hardest
part is when they say goodbye, sometimes forever.
Forces Airmen and Soldiers gathered recently to pay their respects to a hard-charging
friend that recently passed away due to medical complications. Jonny was a
military working dog (MWD) deployed to the 379th Expeditionary Security Forces
Squadron with his handler, Senior Airman Jerry Quintanilla for about three
career began the day he was accepted into to the Department of Defense MWD
program in Lackland Air Force Base, Texas late 2009. In January of 2010, he was
certified to conduct patrol and explosives detection. Throughout his 6 year career
he has deployed four times with four different handlers. He was a veteran to
Iraq, twice in Afghanistan and lastly to Qatar.
completed over 2,000 vehicle searches, multiple explosive detection sweeps, and
several anti-terrorism patrols,” said Technical Sgt. Andrew Rodriguez 379th
Within three
months Jonny established a certain bond and work ethic with the men and women
of the 379th ESFS. While deployed to Al Udeid Air Base, Jonny and
Quintanilla worked side by side daily ensuring the protection of those around
them and beyond.
selfless service and loyalty will be forever missed by those who knew him,
worked beside him and those few that shared that bond that only people like us
would understand,” said Master Sgt. Jason Dearinger 379th Expeditionary
Security Forces Squadron.
The emotions
were not only visible but could be felt across the theater as eyes watered and
heads bowed in the remembrance of their friend, Jonny. The ceremony concluded
with the folding of the United States flag presented to his handler,
Quintanilla, and the playing of TAPS. The members of the 379th ESFS
said a final goodbye to a friend, warrior, and guardian of the night.