July 7, 2023 386th EAMXS Crew Chiefs Train with the 386th ELRS Fuels Flight Crew chiefs from the 386th EAMXS have teamed up with the 386th ELRS to learn how to use the fuel trucks and service liquid nitrogen carts in order to further their capabilities as Multi-Capable Airmen.
June 22, 2023 Multi-Capable Airmen Develop Alert Photography Skills The 386th AEW public affairs office hosted this hands-on training to equip the safety team with the skills necessary to photograph a variety of scenarios and provide the imagery to assist with investigations.
May 4, 2023 AASAB launches its first-ever MCA program ALI AL SALEM AIR BASE, Kuwait – The 386th Air Expeditionary Wing kicked off its first ever multi-capable Airmen training program, April 24.Airmen from across the wing were given the opportunity to learn key functions of various career fields outside of their primary Air Force Specialties. The goal