Feb. 24, 2022 U.S. and local construction practices harmonize at Ali Al Salem raising quality of life A new building was completed at Ali Al Salem Air Base recently. This one is a bit different from the rest that stand around it, with it’s red tinted brick that stretches to its roof. Using local building practices as well as material, this building is a first of its kind which might lead to a new
Nov. 25, 2014 332nd Air Expeditionary Group reactivates Col. Michael Stohler assumed command of the 332ndAir Expeditionary Group during a reactivation ceremony here Nov. 16, 2014. The 332nd AEG has a storied history and is descended from the 332nd Fighter Group - the famed Tuskegee Airmen, also known as the Red Tails. This is the second time the 332nd