Oct. 18, 2024 386th EMXS AGE flight powers the mission U.S. Air Force Airmen assigned to the 386th Expeditionary Maintenance Squadron aerospace ground equipment (AGE) flight inspect, maintain, and repair essential ground power units such as generators and tow bars within the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility, Oct. 9, 2024. The AGE flight is
Feb. 2, 2022 Munitions flight performs semi-annual munitions stockpile inventory The 386th EMXS/MXMW inventories their stockpile at least twice a year and their munitions custodian accounts quarterly. Taking inventory is ongoing to ensure they have full accountability of all of their assets.
Feb. 4, 2015 Munitions Airmen on the front lines of Operation INHERENT RESOLVE For Airmen assigned to the 386th Expeditionary Maintenance Squadron Munitions Flight for the last six months, the end of their deployment is a lot different than the beginning.Since the beginning of Operation INHERENT RESOLVE, they have adopted three new missions and grown substantially in both