“1000s of Hands” Project: 455th MDOS Maj. Anjeli Nayar

BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan -- Maj. Anjeli Nayar, 455th Expeditionary Medical Operations Squadron intensive care unit general internist, is responsible for coordinating care for military members, defense civilians, and civilian contractors, as well as Afghan nationals, in the ICU at the Craig Joint Theater Hospital.

Due to being in a combat environment, Nayar encounters many combat related injuries. She deals with everything in surgical services, ranging from ortho to trauma. Her main mission is to stabilize the injured patients medically, and as needed ensure they’re sent to a higher level of care, such as Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany.

“Here at the CJTH we come across many injuries, some more serious than others. It’s our responsibility to make sure the patients are taken care of until we can get them to another place of care,” Nayar said. “I really love my job, seeing the folks that pass through here; you realize the sacrifice that a lot of folks give. So many people are willing to put their life on the line to save others. It’s an amazing experience to be able to provide care to those folks. It’s really an honor being here.”

Nayar is part of the “1000s of Hands” of the 455 AEW Airmen who are crucial to the wing’s mission to generate and sustain air power on the combat frontier of Afghanistan’s NATO’s Resolute Support mission and Operation Freedom’s Sentinel. The ‘1000s of Hands’ project highlights Vulture Airmen who have a hand in delivering a blanket of steel, technology and courage to protect the force in the field and support Afghan National Defense and Security Forces.