Tech. Sgt. Ginger Bell: Resiliency plus morale equals mission ready

Tech. Sgt. Ginger Bell, 455th Expeditionary Force Support Squadron, non-appropriated funds custodian and volunteer resource program coordinator, is highlighted as a Bagram Warrior. As the NAF custodian, Bell ensures good stewardship of funds and resources and provide oversight of dollars generated through resale operations in five recreation and fitness centers. This is the first highlight in the Bagram Warriors series. (Photo Illustration by Tech. Sgt. Tyrona Lawson)

Tech. Sgt. Ginger Bell, 455th Expeditionary Force Support Squadron, non-appropriated funds custodian and volunteer resource program coordinator, is highlighted as a Bagram Warrior. As the NAF custodian, Bell ensures good stewardship of funds and resources and provide oversight of dollars generated through resale operations in five recreation and fitness centers. This is the first highlight in the Bagram Warriors series. (Photo Illustration by Tech. Sgt. Tyrona Lawson)

BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan -- Warrior ethos has long been a part of the Air Force culture. It exhibits a hardiness of spirit, and moral and physical courage.

Airmen deployed to Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, not only invoke these attributes but build them in each other daily.

This series will introduce you to the Bagram Warriors and capture what warrior ethos means to them.

Tech. Sgt. Ginger Bell is deployed from the 60th Force Support Squadron at Travis Air Force Base, California where she serves as the food service production manager.

While at Bagram Airfield, she acts as the 455th Force Support Squadron, non-appropriated funds custodian and volunteer resource program coordinator.

“As the NAF custodian, I ensure good stewardship of funds and resources and provide oversight of dollars generated through resale operations in five recreation and fitness centers.”

Bell also ensures community events are armed with volunteer opportunities for Airmen to give back.

When asked what warrior ethos meant to her, Bell tapped into resiliency and service before self.

“Warrior ethos to me means being fit for the mission ahead of me and making sure I am taking care of myself so that I can complete [the mission], Bell said.” “I must always remember the mission is a lot bigger than me but I contribute a huge asset to make sure it happens.”

While Bell focuses on her own warrior ethos attributes, it is her ability to provide avenues for other Airmen to strengthen themselves that stand out.

“Regeneration of the battlefield and supporting U. S. military and Coalition partners is an extremely important part of my mission, Bell said.” “We provide Comprehensive Airman Fitness pillars to our community to ensure they can keep a sound mind, body and spirit in order to keep the mission going.”

Although hardiness of spirit, and moral and physical courage, together are important to utilize in order to build a well-rounded resilient Airman, Bell is choosing to focus a bit more on one of the attributes while deployed at Bagram.

“I identify most with physical courage, Bell said.” “I do know my limitations but since being here, my mission is to improve and not be afraid to get out of my comfort zone.”