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Tag: chaplain corps
  • Chaplains go into harm’s way, provide spiritual support for all

    BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan – Thousands of feet above Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, two Airmen, riding in a helicopter, wearing more than 75 pounds of gear, hover around the city before landing. These Airmen are not pararescuemen or tactical air control party—they’re a chaplain and chaplain assistant. After landing, they quickly travel to the
  • Bagram Chaplains provide spiritual support to Airmen throughout AOR

    During a deployment, it’s important for Airmen to maintain a sense of spirituality in order to balance what may be a hectic life in a deployed environment. The Chaplain Corps’ primary focus here is supporting Airmen to ensure they’re spiritually and mentally fit to perform their mission.Bagram currently has a total of three chaplains and two