Feb. 24, 2022 U.S. and local construction practices harmonize at Ali Al Salem raising quality of life A new building was completed at Ali Al Salem Air Base recently. This one is a bit different from the rest that stand around it, with it’s red tinted brick that stretches to its roof. Using local building practices as well as material, this building is a first of its kind which might lead to a new
Feb. 22, 2022 The referees of construction: 386th Expeditionary Contracting Squadron surveys new dorms Story-high piles of sand surround an excavated site, soon to be the foundation of a new dormitory building at Ali Al Salem Air Base, Kuwait. Next to the site are the skeletons of seven other soon-to-be fully functional dormitory buildings.
April 6, 2021 CE does RADR 386th Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron are participating in a rapid airfield damage recovery (RADR) exercise at Ali Al Salem Air Base, Kuwait, March 31, 2021. When an airfield is damaged post attack, CE personnel have the capabilities to get an airfield functional again by conducting field
Oct. 28, 2020 Demo Day: stress relief while supporting the mission Members assigned to the 386th Expeditionary Mission Support Group are spearheading the new Wing Operation Center project that aims to consolidate units and expedite daily communications.