Jan. 5, 2019 Hog good effect! The A-10 Thunderbolt II, nicknamed the “warthog” and known for its ability to provide timely and accurate close air support to ground troops, has proven vital for U.S. and Coalition forces in Afghanistan.
Jan. 5, 2019 Battlefield acupuncture pain reduction treatment popular with caregivers, patients at CJTH Doctors at the Craig Joint Theater Hospital here and its outlying clinics are implementing a pain treatment that reduces or eliminates opioid prescriptions, is fast and effective, and allows personnel to keep working without being sent home, and can augment rehabilitation for a quicker recovery.
Dec. 29, 2018 Kandahar Airmen keep aircraft fit to fight The 451st Expeditionary Aircraft Maintenance Squadron does things a little differently. Instead of having separate squadrons for each airframe, they are responsible for all the A-10 Thunderbolt IIs, KC-135 Stratotankers and MQ-9 Reapers at Kandahar. To do this effectively, each Airman must be an
Dec. 26, 2018 CSAF, CMSAF spend Christmas with Airmen in Afghanistan Two Air Force senior leaders traveled thousands of miles and through several time zones to visit deployed Airmen in the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility during the holidays.
Dec. 26, 2018 Life of a bomb: from ‘cradle to grave’ Earlier this month, a bomb was used to take out a high-stakes member of the Islamic State in Afghanistan—a big win for troops, especially those who moved the explosives through each step, eventually making it onto the F-16 Fighting Falcon that dropped it on target.
Dec. 22, 2018 CJTH continues to provide superior care for U.S., Coalition forces The noise of combat surrounds him. He’s hurting. He’s bloodied and he’s confused. Next thing he knows, he looks up and sees the flag. In that moment in time, he knows he’s going to be safe and he’s going to see his family again. He knew he was at the Craig Joint Theater Hospital at Bagram Airfield,
Dec. 15, 2018 EC-130H, 15 years and nearly 42,000 combat hours in support of the Coalition mission On a rainy, 40-degree evening at Bagram Airfield, EC-130H Compass Call maintainers and aircrew walk out to the flightline to work on their aircraft. The rain falls harder as the teams begin sealing the aircraft, ensuring it is ready to fly the next mission. The temperature continues to drop, and the
Dec. 11, 2018 Defender of freedom, property After 15 years and three terms served, Robert Christman has gone undefeated in his race as a county clerk for Allegany County, New York.
Dec. 8, 2018 Can you CE how important civil engineers are? Runways in deployed locations take on a lot of wear and tear, with various multi-ton aircraft transiting several times per day year round. For pilots to safely take off and land day after day, it is imperative runway markings, conditions and all precautionary systems are maintained at all times.